5 Ways To Revitalize Internal Organs

Do not forget that a poor diet, a lot of stress and little fluid can cause discomfort. Soft drinks and processed foods are not good for your health.
5 ways to revitalize internal organs

Why should you revitalize internal organs such as the liver, pancreas and kidneys? You already know that these organs are important for digestion and that they play an important role in the body’s ability to cleanse itself. They are also important for hormone function.

It’s probably happened to you before. You feel tired, your swelling and digestion are not working properly. It is difficult to carry out the usual activities of the day. What causes this? Sometimes you have small, bad habits that you are not aware of. Maybe you have a bad diet, stress a lot or you drink too little water. All of these things can lead to discomfort.

In today’s article, we invite you to learn about how to revitalize internal organs, such as the liver, pancreas and your kidneys. This will undoubtedly give you a better quality of life, so stay tuned!

Ways to revitalize internal organs

1. Choose the best fruits


How many servings of fruit do you eat in a day? A common mistake people often make is that they think that drinking fruit juice covers the daily need for vitamins and minerals. That is not the case. If you only drink the juice you buy in the store, the following will happen:

  • You will get large amounts of sugar.
  • You get in you all the chemicals and additives to which the juice is added. This means that your liver has to work hard to get rid of them again.
  • The amount of natural juice is actually quite small. All the sugar that is added also reduces the nutritional value of the juice.

What is the solution? Eat fresh fruit. This means that you should not eat canned fruit, boiled fruit or fried fruit. The best choices are:

  • Lemons
  • Oranges
  • Grapefruit
  • Nectarines
  • Clementines
  • Melons
  • Papaya
  • Strawberry
  • Plums

To revitalize your internal organs , you can introduce delicious fruit salads into your daily diet. Do you need an example? Mix your oatmeal with melon, plum and strawberry. It tastes very good! For lunch you can make salad with pineapple and spinach.

2. The best vegetables


We have already talked about the fruit. Now we will tell you which vegetables it is important to include in your diet. Both in terms of general health and well-being, but also to strengthen your internal organs:

  • Artichokes : As you know, these taste delicious. They are a good choice for dinner along with a little olive oil and white vinegar. Do not forget that the water you cook the artichokes in is also healthy. Add some lemon juice, it helps strengthen the kidneys and liver. Do not pour out the water!
  • Carrots : A good way to eat vegetables is to peel them first and then grate them. They are excellent in salt and taste extra good with a little lemon juice on. In this case, it is best to eat the carrots raw so that you get all the nutrients.
  • Beter : Who doesn’t love this refreshing ground vegetable? The beautiful color hints at all the good bait contains of antioxidants and vitamins. This is a vegetable that should not be forgotten. Have beets in your salad or use them in delicious smoothies. You will love it!
  • Onions : You already know that this vegetable is very healthy. Onions are natural antibiotics, promote the detoxification process, strengthen the immune system and contribute to good circulation. It’s well worth eating some raw onions every day. Add a little to your salad. That way, you will enjoy all the good qualities.

Start your day with a glass of lemon juice and baking soda

4-baking soda-and-lemon

This natural remedy will help you improve your body’s pH balance. In addition, the liver, kidneys and pancreas will work better. The simple habit of drinking this mixture on an empty stomach can work wonders for your body. It helps the kidneys to function better, helps your body get rid of waste products and prevents problems such as the accumulation of fat in the liver. It also contributes to an evenly better digestion.


  • The juice of half a lemon
  • 2dl water
  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda (20 grams)

How should you consume it?

It’s very simple. You dissolve baking soda in water and then add lemon juice. Stir well and drink slowly. You can drink it four days in a row. Then take a week off before repeating the process.

4. The best tees


The following teas are wonderful when it comes to improving the working conditions of the liver, improving digestion and strengthening the kidneys. Want to know which ones we’re thinking of?

  • Mariatistel
  • Dandelion
  • Boldo

5. Fast food is banned!

6-fast food
  • Leave the salt in the cupboard. Stop using salt from today and see how much better your health will be.
  • Eat less refined sugar and white flour.
  • Stay away from bag soups.
  • Limit alcohol intake and cut out tobacco.
  • Throw out sodas, sweets and desserts.
  • Be careful with red meat and other high-fat foods. Our bodies do not have it easy to digest such foods and they destroy the liver, kidneys and pancreas.

Shouldn’t you start today?

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