3 Tips For Balancing Your Brain Chemistry And Dealing With Depression

Going out and taking a half hour walk every day can be a great way to balance brain chemistry and help with serotonin production so that we feel much better.
3 tips for balancing your brain chemistry and dealing with depression

Your brain chemistry predisposes you to certain moods. It is a fascinating process, while also complicated, where imbalance or change in our neurotransmitters, can cause us to experience everything from the highest amount of motivation, to the worst sadness, to radiate joy. So it is important to understand the basics so that you can face and deal with depression.

These biochemical changes depend on several factors. For example, there are endogenous types of depression where low serotonin levels lead to a state of helplessness, anhedonia and permanent depression.

Exogenous depression, on the other hand, depends on dimensions related to the things around us, but also on the way we handle the things we face every day, in addition to adversity, whether it is small or large.

It is also known that depression is simultaneously linked to certain amino acids and the combination of certain neurotransmitters such as serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine.

Brain chemistry determines our emotional state, and while we know that in many cases we have no choice but to turn to pharmaceuticals, we want to take the chance today to talk about some complementary strategies.

There are natural ways to regulate many of these neurotransmitters. We will explain how.

1. Lack of dopamine and depression

Man with depression

A low level of dopamine can lead to a number of very obvious symptoms: fatigue, apathy, mood swings, loss of interest in things around us and depression. So it can be difficult to deal with depression.

Dopamine is one of the most important neurotransmitters for the brain: it mediates the communication of neurons and nerve cells. It is also known that it has an important function when it comes to generating movements, motor skills and energy (or motivation) to engage in the environment.

How can I increase my dopamine levels?

  • It is an essential amino acid that increases dopamine. It is known as L-phenylalaline.
  • Our body cannot synthesize L-phenylalain naturally, and therefore we must get it through our food.
  • This is when L-phenylalaline converts to tyrosine and at the same time generates the production of dopamine.

We can get this amino acid through the following foods:

  • Meat
  • Dairy products
  • Nuts like almonds and walnuts
  • Seeds (sesame, sunflower, pumpkin)
  • Bananas
  • Beets
  • Chocolate
  • Green tea
  • Blueberry juice
  • Noni-juice

In addition, practicing things like meditation or moderate sports can help balance chemical levels in our brain.

2. Serotonin, the happiness hormone

Happy woman

The vast majority of antidepressants work as follows: they do so so that a series of inhibitors cannot stop the production of serotonin. These make it more difficult to deal with depression.

  • Low serotonin levels can cause stress, discouragement, the arrival of negative thoughts and despair.
  • Because of this, some drugs work to satisfy adequate production of this neurotransmitter.
  • However, it is important to know that we can also contribute with production naturally.

How can we increase our serotonin levels to deal with depression?

  • Improve your diet by increasing your intake of banana, dark chocolate, avocado, chicken, watermelon, blueberries, milk, plantain… (the same foods we use to increase dopamine levels).
  • Try a new hobby, something new: sign up for a painting course, dance class, yoga
  • Listen to music: positive emotions that will help us balance cerebral chemicals.
  • Go out and meet people.

3. To balance your brain chemicals, you should get enough sleep

Brain GIF

Poor sleep, suffering from many sleepless nights or spending hours falling asleep have many consequences. One of them is a reduction in serotonin, which we know leads to fatigue, greater sensitivity and the risk that you may face depression. Sleeping well is healthy and a way to balance the brain’s chemicals. It is something simple that makes it possible to regulate our neurotransmitters and that can help our emotional state to be stronger, more positive and more resilient.

How can you sleep better to take care of your cerebral health?

  • Follow the same schedule, have lunch, eat dinner, and go to bed at the same time every day.
  • Two hours before going to bed, reduce your exposure to electronic devices, that is, shut down your computer, turn off your phone, do not use your tablet…
  • Exercise in the afternoon, but never just before bedtime.
  • Follow the same rituals when it’s time for bed: a hot shower, a cup of  milk with honey, and read a little in a book while you relax in bed.
  • You should try to keep the temperature in the bedroom normal. Too much heat, just like strong odors, can affect rest.

To conclude, regulating and balancing the brain’s chemicals to treat and manage depression is not just dependent on drugs.

If we want to get out of this tunnel, we need more strategies, more mental resources, personnel and better lifestyles. Just like the ones we have suggested here.

Should we put them into practice?

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