3 Broths To Detoxify The Liver

A healthy liver is an important part of your overall health and well-being. Many factors can damage the liver, which is why we strongly recommend doing some form of cleansing treatment from time to time.
3 broths to detoxify the liver

This time of year is great for taking a little extra time for yourself and your health, even giving a little more attention to your weight. One of the first steps to taking better care of yourself should be to make sure your liver is working properly; If it does not, it will be quite difficult for you to improve your quality of life and health. In this article, we show you how you can quickly, economically and naturally eliminate harmful toxins and detoxify the liver by often consuming these vegetable broths that are easy to make. They are good for health, and surprisingly delicious. Try our 3 broths to detoxify the liver!

Why should you detoxify the liver?

We constantly hear people talking about how important it is to cleanse the liver of toxins, but why? This organ is a fundamental part of your health, because it is responsible for getting rid of all the harmful substances in your body. However, your body can often become overloaded with toxins, causing your liver to become saturated.

What poisons the liver?

  • Poorly digested food.
  • Foods rich in unhealthy fats.
  • Excess animal protein.
  • Dietary supplements: preservatives, dyes, flavorings and the like.
  • Alcohol.
  • Tobacco and all kinds of toxic habits.
  • Contamination.
  • Negative emotions.

As you can see, there are many factors that can damage the liver, so we recommend doing a cleanse from time to time to help your liver function better.

The following broths to detoxify the liver are a good option that you can use now and then

Puree or broths to detoxify the liver?

Although this article is about  detoxifying your liver with broths, you can also prepare these vegetables and eat them as a puree, which will make them more filling and allow you to include them in your meals.

However, broths are an advantage because you can drink more of them during the day, thus creating a stronger cleansing effect.

The idea here is that you would drink a liter of one of these broths every day for 15 days or a month. You can drink the same thing every day, switch between different or replace some of the ingredients. The most effective way to drink these broths is on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals.

Do not forget to add some high quality olive oil and sea salt (instead of table salt) to the broth or puree. This will make them more tasty and increase their healthy properties.

Artichoke, apple and lemon

Artichokes are one of the most famous vegetables out there in terms of their ability to protect the liver. You can eat the vegetable itself or drink the power from the leaves. For this soup we will use both.

The bitter taste of artichokes will be balanced by the sweetness of apples. This fruit is also excellent for liver function, among many other benefits.

Finally, lemon gives this soup a sour feel, while providing incredible properties that help the body digest fat, which will help reduce the amount of work the liver is expected to do.


Celery, oatmeal and ginger

Celery is a good cleansing food. Not only does it improve the function of the liver and gallbladder, but it also has benefits for the kidneys, making it an important part of any cleansing treatment. In addition, broths give a delicious taste.

In addition to giving this soup a nice consistency, oatmeal has fiber and vegetable proteins that will help you get rid of the toxic substances in your body. This breakfast cereal is very nutritious and improves intestinal function, which must be in order for this cleanser to be productive.

Finally, a pinch of ginger will help the body digest fat, making the job of the liver more difficult.


Cabbage, turnip and turmeric

There are many vegetables of the Cruciferae family (broccoli, cauliflower) that stimulate liver enzymes and prevent the growth of cancer cells.

Turnip, commonly used in broths to cleanse the liver, is also good for digesting fats, making it an important part of a diet that aims to cleanse your body.

onion broth

Finally, turmeric, which in addition to being anti-carcinogenic and anti-inflammatory, helps us eliminate bile and therefore cleanses the liver. Add only one tablespoon to each liter of broth.

We hope you enjoyed this article on broths to detoxify your liver!


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