10 Things That Steal Your Energy

With the help of the times, we realize that it is best to forgive. By forgiving, we make life better, as we release the bitter aftertaste.

We all have a given amount of energy, and we must learn to use it in a positive way, without wasting it. This energy allows you to feel motivated. It gives you a positive attitude to everyday situations and gives you the chance to take advantage of new opportunities. Only you can control your own energy resources and use them daily. Be aware that there are certain internal factors that steal your energy and lead to a decrease in motivation, mood and productivity.

Our energy level is the key to our success and allows us to tackle daily challenges. We can renew these energy reserves every day. We can learn how to get the most out of them. How we can highlight our strengths, talents and other things that make us stand out among others. As each person is assigned energy and this is the key to their personal and professional development. The Dalai Lama spiritual leader has compiled a list of 10 situations that steal your energy. We should be aware of these in order to control our energy and prevent situations that cause us to reap the benefits of them.

Stay away from toxic people who steal your energy

10 things that steal your energy
  • Let go of people who always complain, have problems, tell about crises and fears, or who judge others. If someone needs a trash can, make sure they do not use your head.

We are all able to distinguish those who bring positivity into our lives from those who always try to stop us from doing what we want.

Pay bills on time

Nothing is better for peace of mind than knowing that we do not owe anyone anything, and no one owes us anything.

  • Pay bills on time. Also, make sure you get back what the other person owes you, or put a stop to it if you realize it will never happen. This steals your energy.

If you take responsibility for debt, you will be calmer, both in the company of others and your own. Do everything you can to get rid of debt, so you do not have to hide or be embarrassed that you have not paid them.

Keep your promises

  • If you do not keep a promise, ask yourself why. You have the right to change your mind, ask for forgiveness, compensate, negotiate or find other solutions to a promise you have broken; but it must not become a habit. It is best to avoid something you do not want to do, by saying no right away.

Both small and big promises can be important for those you promised them to. Those who keep their promises are better people, both privately and professionally.

Delegate what you do not want to do

10 things that steal your energy
  • Whenever possible, you should delegate the tasks you do not want to do, and rather spend that time on what you like best.

This is not to avoid responsibility, but it is important to realize that it is sometimes better to leave tasks to those who know better or those who take over when you do not have the opportunity. In addition, it provides a reminder of what is really important in our lives.

Rest and action

  • Give yourself an opportunity to rest when you need it, and act when you have the opportunity.

Both nature and life have different rhythms around the clock, and most of us know how to deal with it. It may be wise to take a break when we need it and at the same time important to act when we have the opportunity.  Otherwise, she may regret it.

Throw, pick up and organize

  • Throw, pick up and organize – nothing steals your energy more than a cluttered house full of things you no longer need.

From physical objects to spiritual things – it is important to throw away what we do not need and let go of the past. Keep what allows us to be organized and live well in the present, as well as what we need to fulfill our dreams.

Take care of your health

10 things that steal your energy
  • Prioritize your health. If the machinery does not work properly, you will not get much done. Take breaks when you need to.

It is hopeless to have the dream job, make lots of money and have many nice things if you struggle with your health and abuse your body. To get the most out of life with the most energy possible, we need to spend time on the body.  Cleanse it, meditate, pamper it, eat right, exercise, talk to a doctor and everything else that is necessary for a healthy body.

Confront difficult situations

  • Identify toxic situations you have tolerated until now. Whether it’s a friend or a family member, to unwanted actions from your partner or group, and confront these.

Facing a situation is the best way to deal with a problem, so it does not get worse. It is important to identify and determine this in time. Postponements steal your energy, can create a lot of stress, and make it difficult to focus or harder to resolve.


  • Acknowledgment. That does not mean we give up, but nothing steals more energy than fighting a situation you can not change.

Although many believe that nothing is impossible and that hope is the last thing you should lose, sometimes life puts us in a situation where we have to accept that there are certain things we cannot change. If we acknowledge this, it does not mean that we must continue to fight, but it does give us an opportunity to change our plans and explore new possibilities.


  • Forgive. Let go of painful situations. It is your choice to let go of bad memories.

Two of the greatest sources of energy are love and faith. If we experience anger, pain, bitterness and fear, we can choose to forgive. Life will soon be better. Hatred, bitterness and anger are emotions that do not contribute to anything. It only leads to us making bad decisions.

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