10 Health Benefits Of Adding Flaxseed To Your Diet

Although most of their benefits are internal, eating flaxseed can also help delay premature aging and delay the appearance of wrinkles.
10 health benefits of adding flaxseed to your diet

Flaxseed (linum usitatissimum) is a plant used in both the textile and food industries. In the last couple of years, flaxseed has become quite famous, due to the fact that it has been proven that they contain nutrients that give them  uses in a wide variety of medicines and beauty. These seeds are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, antioxidants and other important substances that act as supplements that improve health. Here are 10 health benefits of adding flaxseed to your card holder.

In fact, due to their nutritional health benefits, it has been recommended that flaxseeds be included as part of weight loss programs.

However, there are other benefits to including flaxseed in your daily diet. In this article, we want to share 10 of the best benefits of flaxseed so you do not miss the opportunity to try them.

Flaxseed helps you lose weight


Vegetable fibers that flaxseed contains are powerful allies when it comes to losing weight in a healthy way. These nutrients improve digestion processes and make you feel fuller so you avoid getting too many calories.

2. They control cholesterol

The flaxseed’s significant content of soluble fiber prevents cholesterol from mixing with oxygen in the arteries, as well as removing it from the arteries naturally. This is because fiber wraps around harmful lipids and prevents them from being trapped in the blood.

3. They fight inflammatory disorders

relieve arthritis

Many experts believe that the origin of a good number of chronic diseases is a malfunction of the inflammatory processes in the body. These seeds contain a substance called linolenic acid which has an anti-inflammatory action, which is very good for the body.

This is why a daily intake of flaxseed is the key to the prevention and treatment of:

  • Gastritis
  • Tendinitis
  • Colitis
  • Gout
  • Osteoarthritis

4. They fight cancer

27 anti-carcinogens that may be the key to cancer prevention and treatment have been found in flaxseed. One of the most beneficial compounds, lignin, acts as a more powerful antioxidant than vitamin E. Thanks to this,  flaxseed protects against cell damage and reduces the presence of malignant tumors, such as those found in the breasts.

5. They facilitate the hormonal balance

Many nutritionists agree that flaxseed is one of the best foods for menopausal women or those suffering from hormonal imbalances. This is because they contain phytoestrogens that balance hormones naturally.

Furthermore, the intake of these seeds increases fertility and helps to control the physical symptoms that result from a reduction in estrogen levels.

6. They improve digestion

Soluble and insoluble vegetable fibers are useful in the treatment of digestive problems such as heartburn, gastritis and constipation. Due to their large absorption capacity, they reduce an excess of stomach acid and prevent the formation of stomach ulcers. Flaxseed is also a natural lubricant and laxative that enables stool without changing the pH of the intestinal flora.

7. They provide increased energy


Despite their low calorie content, flaxseed has a high energy content that we can take advantage of to improve physical and mental performance. By eating these seeds, you will be able to increase the speed of your calorie consumption, while at the same time gaining increased energy during exercise and other physical activities.

8. They protect the cardiovascular health

Due to their content of acid, omega 3 and antioxidants, flaxseed effectively prevents the formation of blood clots and arterial stiffness. These properties will always be effective as long as the intake of these seeds is combined with a balanced diet and other healthy habits.

9. They prevent premature aging

prevents-premature aging

Vitamins that act as antioxidants, such as flaxseed, are useful in reducing premature aging, which occurs due to the action of free radicals.

Such vitamins include:

  • Vitamin B complex, including folic acid
  • Vitamin C.
  • Vitamin E.

10. They reduce fluid retention

As a result of their mineral and fiber content, flaxseed improves kidney function so that our kidneys can filter excess water and sodium. Their diuretic effect shrinks the body’s tissues and stops them from holding back excess water. These benefits can be enjoyed by consuming these seeds daily, before or during each main meal.

Ultimately, the goal is to eat ground flaxseed, as this makes it easier to digest them. This way you can include them in salads, soups, milkshakes and many other recipes.

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