10 Causes Of Breast Cancer You Should Know About

Although breast cancer is most common in women over the age of 50, you should also be aware that it is much less aggressive after menopause.
10 Causes of Breast Cancer You Should Know About

Breast cancer is the result of the tissue in the breast developing malignant tumors. This disease most often affects women, but can occur in men. Thousands of women die of breast cancer every year because, unfortunately, it is discovered far too late. Read about 10 causes of breast cancer you should know about!

With today’s modern technology and medicine, it is possible to treat breast cancer. The life expectancy of many of the patients has increased considerably. The disease is nevertheless alarming, because in many cases it is discovered too late. The key to breast cancer prevention lies in knowledge about the causes of breast cancer and risk factors. In today’s article, we will therefore share some causes of breast cancer with you, so that you can keep them in mind.

Age and gender

As we have already mentioned, this is a type of cancer that most often affects women. Despite this, there are men who also get breast cancer. Normally, the risk of developing breast cancer increases with age. Especially for people over 50. Men are 100 times less likely to develop this disease.

Family history

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Numerous studies show that those who have the highest risk of breast cancer are those who have close family members who have had the disease. The same applies if you have family members with uterine, cervical, ovarian or colon cancer.


Among the causes of breast cancer, we also find a defective gene, which one has inherited from one of the parents. These defects are often found in the genes called BRCA1 and BRCA2. It is these genes that are responsible for producing proteins, which protect the body from cancer. A defect in one of these genes can increase the risk that you will develop breast cancer at some point in your life by up to 80%.

Menstrual cycle

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Women who menstruated before the age of 12 have a higher risk of developing breast cancer. The same applies to women who do not reach menopause until after the age of 55.

Medical history

Women who have had cancer in one breast are more likely to develop cancer in the other. Or they will experience that the cancer comes back in the first breast.

Alcohol consumption

According to several studies, drinking one or two alcoholic beverages each day can increase the risk of breast cancer.


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Women who are either childless or who wait until they are over 30 before having children have a higher risk of breast cancer. One or more pregnancies early in life reduces the risk of this disease.

Hormone therapy

Women who have received estrogen therapy for extended periods have a higher risk of breast cancer.


Although this risk is not fully understood, experts believe that women suffering from obesity produce more estrogen. This in turn can lead to an increased risk of developing this disease. The risk is even higher for women who suffer from obesity after the age of 50.


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If you are exposed to X-rays or CT, this can significantly increase the risk of breast cancer. If you received radiation therapy as a child or adult, as a treatment for cancer of the breast area, the chances are even greater that you develop breast cancer. The risk is exacerbated by how large and many radiation doses you received and how old you were when you received them.


The research has not given a clear answer regarding the connection between diet and increased risk of breast cancer. Nevertheless, most studies agree that a poor diet can be an important risk factor. Eating lots of processed foods, meat, unhealthy fats, sugar and more can increase the risk of getting this disease.

Uncertain causes of breast cancer

For many years, women have been concerned about myths, which say that the use of deodorant and bras can lead to breast cancer. So far it has not been possible to show any connection between this and the disease. Other factors, such as breast implants and exposure to pesticides, have also not been shown to increase the risk.

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